【电】 intermix record changer
【经】 double entry
barter; exchange; trade
flake; parcel; partial; patch; piece; slice
【计】 slice
【医】 disc; disci; discus; disk; flap; piece
【经】 card
implement; organ; utensil; ware
【医】 apparatus; appliance; crgan; device; organa; organon; organum; vessel
复式换片器 (fù shì huàn piàn qì)
English Explanation and Translation
The English translation of "复式换片器" is "double film changer".
English Pronunciation
The pronunciation of "复式换片器" in English is "foo shir hwan pyen chee".
English Usage
A double film changer is a device used on cameras or camcorders to quickly change films or digital storage cards.
English Example Sentences
1. I need to buy a double film changer for my camera because I often shoot with both color and black and white film.
2. The double film changer makes it convenient to switch between different types of film while shooting.
English Synonyms
Alternatives terms for double film changer include:
1. Film swap device: 换片设备 (huàn piàn shè bèi)
2. Multi-film changer: 多片换片器 (duō piàn huàn piàn qì)
English Antonyms
There are no direct antonyms for double film changer.
English Word Frequency
The term "double film changer" is relatively less commonly used compared to other photography-related terms.