heat rash; miliaria; prickly heat【医】 heat rash; heat-rash; miliaria; miliaria rubra; prickly heat
strophulus infantum; sudamen; sudamina; summer rash; sweat fever
1.heatrash 2.sudamina分词翻译:
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痱子(pinyin:fèi zǐ),英文解释是“prickly heat”,常被称作“heat rash”。这种皮肤疾病常见于夏季高温天气,由于皮肤毛孔阻塞、汗液不能正常排泄,导致皮肤上出现红点、红斑、水泡等一系列症状。
该词的英文读音为/prɪkli hiːt/。
在英文中,prickly heat这个词组的用法比较广泛,可以描述人或动物发生的皮肤情况,也可以描述一种状况或状态。例如:“My son developed prickly heat after spending all day playing outside in the hot sun.”(我的儿子在烈日下玩了一整天后出现了痱子。)“From the looks of it, the negotiations had reached prickly heat between the two parties.”(从情况来看,谈判已经陷入了僵局。)
- It is mainly caused by sweat gland blockage and appears as a red rash and prickling sensation.(主要由汗腺阻塞引起,表现为红色皮疹和刺痛感。)
- Prickly heat rash is a minor ailment that affects millions of people worldwide each year.(痱子是一种轻微的疾病,每年影响数百万人全球范围内。)
- Although heat rash usually heals on its own, certain precautions can provide relief from the condition.(虽然痱子通常会自行愈合,但采取某些预防措施可缓解情况。)
Heat rash, sweat rash, miliaria rubra, and prickly heat eruption are all synonyms of prickly heat, which describe the same skin condition.
There are no specific antonyms for prickly heat in English, but if we look beyond the scope of dermatology, some opposite words such as “cool” or “calm” can be used to describe the opposite state.
根据Google Ngram Viewer的数据,自1900年以来,“prickly heat”这个词在英文书面语中的使用频率呈现出逐年增长的趋势,在20世纪末期后开始逐渐稳定。近年来,随着专业术语和医学知识的普及,更多的人开始使用“prickly heat”来描述这种疾病。
总之,随着中国人在全球的旅游和商务活动中越来越多地接触到英语,学习英语中很多与健康相关的词汇也变得越来越重要。了解“prickly heat”这个词及其用法,可以更好地理解和描述这种皮肤疾病,也能促进中英文化交流的进一步推进。