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【计】 reflex factor



echo; flash; glint; reflect; return; reverberate; throw back
【计】 mirroring; reflection; reflew
【化】 reflection
【医】 jerk; reflect; reflection; reflex; reflexio; reflexion


【电】 factor



反射因数的中文拼音是fǎn shè yīn shù,指物体表面反射光线的能力。在光学中,反射因数指的是光在物体表面反射时,反射光线的强度与入射光线的强度之比,通常用r表示。


The English translation of 反射因数 is "reflection coefficient". It refers to the ability of a surface to reflect light in optics. In optics, reflection coefficient refers to the ratio of the reflected intensity to the incident intensity of light on a surface, usually denoted by r.


The English pronunciation of "reflection coefficient" is /rɪ'flekʃ(ə)n kəʊ'ɛfɪʃ(ə)nt/.


In optics, reflection coefficient is an important parameter that characterizes the interaction between light and matter. It is used to describe the ability of a surface to reflect light and is an important factor in the design of optical systems, such as mirrors, lenses, and filters.


1. The reflection coefficient of a silver mirror is close to 1. (银镜的反射因数接近于1。)
2. The reflection coefficient of a material depends on its refractive index and the angle of incidence of light. (材料的反射因数取决于其折射率和光的入射角。)
3. The reflection coefficient of a dielectric material can be calculated using the Fresnel equations. (可以使用菲涅尔方程计算介电材料的反射系数。)


1. Reflectivity(反射率):the ratio of the reflected light intensity to the incident light intensity of a surface under a given set of conditions.
2. Reflectance(反射率):the ratio of the reflected light flux to the incident light flux of a surface under given conditions.
3. Albedo(反照率): the ratio of the total amount of radiation reflected by a surface to the total amount of radiation incident on it.


1. Transmission coefficient(透射系数): the ratio of the intensity of the transmitted wave to the intensity of the incident wave of a wave transmitted through a medium.
2. Absorption coefficient(吸收系数): the proportion of the energy absorbed per unit length of a substance when electromagnetic radiation passes through it.
3. Refraction coefficient(折射系数): the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to its velocity in a medium, also known as refractive index.


Reflection coefficient is a technical term in optics and is commonly used in the field. However, it is not a commonly used term in everyday English and may not be familiar to people outside of the field of optics.

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