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  1. 指从存储点提供或分配信息或数据,或指输出报告的分发。
    Furnishing or distributing information or data from a storage point; the distribution of output reports.



report; bulletin; information; lecture; speech; account; talk
【计】 report
【医】 report
【经】 reporting




1. 中文拼音:

bào gào

2. 英语解释翻译:

report:a spoken or written account of something that one has observed, heard, done, or investigated; a statement or announcement in a newspaper or on radio or TV giving the latest news; present oneself formally as having arrived at a particular place or as ready to do something; complain about (someone) to a person in authority. 例如: Could you prepare a report on market trends for me? 你能为我准备一份有关市场趋势的报告吗?

3. 英文读音:

/ rɪˈpɔːrt /

4. 英文的用法(中文解释):

(1)作为名词: a) 报告,汇报;新闻报道 例如: He gave a detailed report on the conditions in the refugee camp. 他对难民营的情况进行了详细的报告。 b) 报告书,汇报表 例如: The report suggests that the company needs to restructure. 该报告建议公司需要重组。 c) 传闻,谣言 例如: There were reports that the president had been injured. 有传言说总统受伤了。 (2) 作为动词: a) 汇报,报道 例如: She reported to the police that her wallet had been stolen. 她向警方报告说她的钱包被偷了。 b) 通报,报告 例如: The company reported a 10% increase in revenues. 该公司报告收入增长了10%。

5. 英文例句(包含中文解释):

(1) We'll need a report on the success of the campaign. (我们需要一份活动成功情况的报告。) (2) The police have reported a significant decrease in crime levels this year. (警方已经报告今年犯罪率显著下降。) (3) He was reported missing five days ago. (他被报道失踪已经五天了。)

6. 英文近义词(包含中文解释):

(1) account:描述一些事情的方式,一般不独立存在。 例如:She gave a vivid account of her experience. (2) statement:表达观点或陈述事实,常出现在新闻报道方面。 例如:The official statement said that the company would be closing down two factories. (3) announcement:宣布某事或发表某事的声明,尤指在公共环境下面对群众的发布。 例如:The announcement of my appointment on the radio surprised me.

7. 英文反义词(包含中文解释):

(1) deny:否认,表明其不是真的。 例如:He denied having stolen the money. (2) conceal:隐瞒,故意不透露。 例如:She tried to conceal the truth from her boss. (3) suppress:压制,遏制。 例如:The government suppressed the news of the disaster for several days.

8. 英文单词常用度:

根据Google Ngram Viewer,报告这个词在英语书面语中的使用频率逐渐上升,特别是在20世纪中后期。在英语书面语中,其使用频率最高的时间为2000年至今。因此,我们可以得出结论,报告作为一种写作形式,在当今社会中被广泛使用,应当引起我们的重视。

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