major issues of principle
big; great; large【医】 macro-; magnum; makro-; megalo-
am; are; be; been; being; correct; is; right; that; this; yes非的英语翻译:
blame; evildoing; have to; non-; not; wrong【计】 negate; NOT; not that
【医】 non-
大是大非(dà shì dà fēi)是一个汉语成语,意思是指非常重要的、关系到原则、成败的大事。这个成语在汉语中经常被用来形容某个事件或局势的轻重缓急。
The English translation of 大是大非 is "a matter of vital importance" or "a matter of right and wrong". This idiomatic expression emphasizes the significance of a certain event or situation.
The pronunciation of the English translation "a matter of vital importance" is [ə ˈmætər əv ˈvaɪtl ɪmˈpɔːrtəns], and the pronunciation of "a matter of right and wrong" is [ə ˈmætər əv raɪt ənd rɔːŋ].
The English expression "a matter of vital importance" is used to describe a situation or decision that is extremely significant or crucial, while "a matter of right and wrong" is used to describe a situation that involves ethical, moral or legal principles.
1. This is a matter of vital importance for the future of our company.(这是我们公司未来的重要大事。)
2. Whether or not to help those in need is a matter of right and wrong.(是否帮助有需要的人是一件关系到是非的事情。)
The synonyms of "a matter of vital importance" include "a crucial matter", "a critical issue", "a major concern", while the synonyms of "a matter of right and wrong" include "a moral dilemma", "an ethical quandary", "a legal issue".
1. This is a crucial matter for us to resolve before the deadline.(这是我们必须在期限之前解决的关键问题。)
2. His decision to resign was a major concern for the rest of the team.(他辞职的决定让其他成员非常关注。)
3. The company faced an ethical quandary when it considered accepting the contract.(公司考虑是否接受该合同时面临着一种道德上的两难境地。)
The antonyms of "a matter of vital importance" include "a minor issue", "an insignificant matter", while the antonyms of "a matter of right and wrong" include "a matter of indifference", "a non-issue", "a trivial concern".
1. This is just a minor issue that can be dealt with later.(这只是一个小问题,可以稍后解决。)
2. The decision to order pizza or burgers was a matter of indifference to me.(在订购披萨或汉堡方面我不在意。)
3. The color of the brochure cover was a trivial concern for the marketing department.(宣传部门对小册子封面颜色并不在意。)
The idiomatic expression "a matter of vital importance" is commonly used in formal contexts, such as business, politics, or education, while "a matter of right and wrong" is commonly used in legal or ethical discussions. Both expressions are considered to be high-frequency words in both spoken and written English.