当前位置:乐沙网 > 汉英词典 > 代替的的英语翻译,近义词、反义词、例句




【法】 commutative; substituted



replace; substitute; cover for; do for; supersede; instead of
【计】 SUB
【经】 substitute; supersession; surrogate



“代替”的中文拼音是dài tì,英语解释为“to take the place of someone or something”。


“代替”的英文读音为/ˌdeɪ ˈtɜːr ər ɪz/。



  • Can you work on Sunday and I'll replace you on Monday?
  • The old train station was replaced by a new one.


  • The President sent his secretary to represent him at the meeting.
  • The team chose Tom to substitute for their star player.


  • I want to travel to Europe, but for now, reading travel blogs will have to suffice.
  • Virtual reality can't replace the real experience of traveling.


  • He is taking medication to replace the hormones his body no longer produces.(他正在服用药物替代身体不再产生的激素。)
  • She was replaced as CEO after the company's profits declined sharply.(公司利润急剧下降后,她被免去了CEO职位。)
  • He represented his country at the United Nations.(他代表他的国家参加联合国会议。)
  • The school hired a new teacher to substitute for the one who was sick.(学校雇了一名新老师来代替生病的那位。)
  • The therapist recommended breathing exercises to suffice until her next appointment.(治疗师建议进行呼吸练习,以便在下一次约会之前足矣。)
  • No amount of technology can replace the human touch.(任何技术都无法代替人类的触感。)


  • substitute:to take the place of someone or something temporarily(代替,临时)
  • replace:to take the place of someone or something permanently(替换,永久)
  • supplant:to take the place of someone or something through force or trickery(篡夺,诈骗)
  • stand in for:to take the place of someone who is usually in that position for a short period of time(代替,临时)
  • fill in for:to take the place of someone who is absent or unable to perform their duties(代替,暂代)





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