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【计】 processing support



deal; dispose; handle; manage; manipulate; process; tackle; transact
【计】 processing
【化】 curing
【医】 disposal; processing; treatment
【经】 deal; disposal; disposition; handle; process; processing; treatment


assist; boost; help; patronize; support


处理支援 - chǔ lǐ zhī yuán

处理支援是一个中文词汇,通常用于描述提供帮助和支持的行为。该词汇由三个汉字组成,分别是 "处理"、"支援"。

英语解释翻译 - English Translation and Explanation

The English translation of 处理支援 is "support and assistance". This term is commonly used to describe any action taken to provide help or support to others.

英文读音 - English Pronunciation

The pronunciation of "support and assistance" is suh-port and uh-sis-tuhns. You can use online pronunciation tools to help you practice saying this word.

英文的用法 - English Usage

The phrase "support and assistance" can be used in various contexts. For example, it can be used when describing the actions of emergency service personnel who are providing assistance to disaster victims. This phrase can also be used in the business world when describing the help and support provided to an employee who is struggling to meet performance expectations.

英文例句 - English Examples

  • Our company provides constant support and assistance to its employees - 我们公司不断为员工提供支援和帮助。
  • The government is sending aid supplies to provide support and assistance to the affected areas - 政府正在向受灾地区发放援助物资,提供支援和帮助。

英文近义词 - English Synonyms

  • Help and support - 帮助和支持
  • Aid and assistance - 援助和帮助
  • Backing and reinforcement - 支持和加强

英文反义词 - English Antonyms

  • Obstruction and hindrance - 阻碍和障碍
  • Impediment and barrier - 阻碍和障碍
  • Interference and opposition - 干预和反对

英文单词常用度 - Word Frequency in English

The phrase "support and assistance" is commonly used in the English language. It is considered an everyday word and is used frequently in both written and spoken communication.



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