【法】 handing stolen goods
deal; dispose; handle; manage; manipulate; process; tackle; transact
【计】 processing
【化】 curing
【医】 disposal; processing; treatment
【经】 deal; disposal; disposition; handle; process; processing; treatment
melon; spoils; swag; theft; thievery
【法】 boodle; booty; furtum conceptum; loot; mainour; spoil; stealing
stolen goods
处理赃物 - chǔ lǐ zāng wù
英语解释翻译 - English Explanation and Translation
The English translation for 处理赃物 is “handling stolen goods”. It refers to dealing with property that has been obtained through illegal means. In criminal law, it is a specific offence in many jurisdictions.
英文读音 - English Pronunciation
The pronunciation of "handling stolen goods" is: /ˈhændlɪŋ ˈstoʊlən ɡʊdz/.
英文用法 - English Usage
The term "handling stolen goods" is used in the context of criminal law. It can refer to anyone who possesses, disposes of, or helps anyone dispose of property that they know or believe has been obtained dishonestly.
英文例句 - English Examples
John was charged with handling stolen goods after he was caught selling a stolen car.
"I didn't know the goods were stolen," she said when questioned about the stolen items she was found in possession of.
He was sentenced to three years in prison for handling stolen goods.
英文近义词 - English Synonyms
Handling stolen property, receipt of stolen property, possession of stolen property
英文反义词 - English Antonyms
Lega possession of property, lawful sale of goods
英文单词常用度 - English Word Frequency
Handling stolen goods is a legal term and is not commonly used in everyday English. However, the individual words that make up the phrase are all commonly used words.