【计】 programming language development
【计】 PDL; programming language【经】 programming language
develop; manufacture; prepare【医】 Trit.; tritura; triturate; trituration
该词汇的中文拼音为“chèng xù shè jì yǔ yán yán zhì”,通常简称为“程序语言”。它是一种由人类设计、计算机可以理解、用于编写计算机程序的语言。
The English explanation of 程序设计语言研制 is "Programming Language Development". It refers to the process of creating a language that can be used to write computer programs.
The English pronunciation of 程序设计语言研制 is "churng shoo shuh yoo yun yan yen jhih".
The term "programming language" is used to describe any language that is used to write computer programs. These languages can be high-level or low-level, and can be specific to certain systems or more universal.
- A programmer must learn at least one programming language to write software.
- Java is a popular programming language used for developing web applications.
- C++ is a programming language commonly used in video game development.
- Code: This term is often used as a synonym for programming language, although it more specifically refers to the written instructions that make up a program.
- Scripting Language: This type of language is used for automating tasks and manipulating data, and is often used in web development.
- Markup Language: This type of language is used for describing the structure or content of a document, and is often used in web development.
- Natural Language: This term refers to any language that is used by humans to communicate with each other.
- Assembly Language: This type of language is a low-level language that is used to write programs that can run directly on a computer's hardware.
- Machine Language: This type of language is the lowest-level language and consists of binary code that can be executed directly by a computer's processor.
The term "programming language" is a common term in the computer science field and is therefore frequently used and easily understood by those in the industry.