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【电】 map



formality; ground rule; procedure; proceeding; process; program
【计】 P; problem determination aid; PROC; program; related channel program
【化】 sequence
【经】 program; sequence


【计】 check list


程序对照表(Programming Glossary)


计算机基础(Computer Fundamentals)

  • Algorithm 算法 - a set of instructions for solving a problem or completing a task(阐述解决问题或完成任务的指令集). Pronounced as "al-guh-rith-uhm".(发音为“ al-guh-rith-uhm”)
  • Binary 二进制 - a numbering system that uses only 0 and 1(使用0和1表示数值的数制). Pronounced as "bi-nuh-ree".(发音为“ bi-nuh-ree”)
  • Debugging 调试 - the process of finding and fixing errors in a program(查找和修复程序中的错误的过程). Pronounced as "dee-buhg-ging".(发音为“ dee-buhg-ging”)

编程语言(Programming Languages)

  • Variable 变量 - a symbol that represents a value in a program(在程序中表示数值的符号). Pronounced as "vair-ee-uh-bul".(发音为“ vair-ee-uh-bul”)
  • Function 函数 - a reusable block of code that performs a specific task(可重复使用的代码块,用于执行特定任务). Pronounced as "fuhngk-shuh n".(发音为“fuhngk-shuh n”)
  • Class 类 - a blueprint for creating objects in object-oriented programming(用于创建面向对象编程的对象的蓝图). Pronounced as "klas".(发音为“ klas”)


  • IP address IP地址 - a unique identifier assigned to a device on a network(网络上设备的唯一标识符). Pronounced as "ahy-pee ad-dres".(发音为 “ahy-pee ad-dres”)
  • Browser 浏览器 - a software application used to access and explore the internet(用于访问和探索互联网的软件应用程序). Pronounced as "brou-ser".(发音为“ brou-ser”)
  • Cookies - small pieces of data stored on a user's computer by a website(网站存储在用户计算机上的小片断数据). Pronounced as "koo k-eez".(发音为“ koo k-eez”)

Web开发(Web Development)

  • HTML - Hypertext Markup Language, the standard markup language for web pages(超文本标记语言,用于网页的标准标记语言). Pronounced as "eich-tee-em-el".(发音为“ eich-tee-em-el”)
  • CSS - Cascading Style Sheets, the standard language for describing the presentation of web pages(描述网页呈现方式的标准语言). Pronounced as "see-ess-es".(发音为“ see-ess-es”)
  • JavaScript - a programming language used mainly to create dynamic and interactive web pages(用于创建动态和交互式网页的主要编程语言). Pronounced as "jaa-vuh-skript".(发音为“ jaa-vuh-skript”)

数据处理(Data Handling)

  • Database 数据库 - a structured collection of data that can be accessed, managed, and updated from a computer(可从计算机访问、管理和更新的结构化数据集合). Pronounced as "dey-tuh-beys".(发音为“ dey-tuh-beys”)
  • SQL - Structured Query Language, a domain-specific language used to manage relational databases(用于管理关系数据库的特定领域语言). Pronounced as "es-kew-el".(发音为“ es-kew-el”)
  • Big Data - extremely large data sets that can be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations(非常大的数据集,可通过计算分析揭示模式、趋势和关联). Pronounced as "big-deyt-uh".(发音为“ big-deyt-uh”)




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