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【计】 batch processing interrupt



【计】 batch processing; processing batch
【经】 batch processing


interrupt; sever; suspend; break; discontinue; intermit; take off
【计】 breakout; I; INT; interrupt
【医】 break
【经】 knock off


成批处理中断 - chéng pī chǔlǐ zhōngduàn


英文解释翻译 - English Definition

Batch Processing Interrupt is a computer term used to describe the process by which a computer is programmed to interrupt processing of one task in order to process another. This is done in batches to save time and maximize the efficiency of the computer system.

英文读音 - English Pronunciation

bætʃ ˈprɑsɛsɪŋ ˌɪntəˈrʌpt

英文的用法 - English Usage

Batch processing interrupts are used in computer programming to help organize and efficiently execute large-scale programs. By breaking down the program into smaller tasks, the computer can better manage its resources and complete the tasks more quickly and efficiently.

英文例句 - English Example Sentences

  • Batch processing interrupts can be used to speed up the processing of large data sets.
  • The computer program was designed to automatically switch to batch processing interrupts when processing large files.
  • Using batch processing interrupts allowed the computer to process the data in a much more efficient manner.

英文近义词 - English Synonyms

  • Batch Processing Interruption
  • Interrupted Batch Processing
  • Batch Process Interruption

英文反义词 - English Antonyms

  • Continuous Processing
  • Real-time Processing
  • Single-task Processing

英文单词常用度 - Frequency of Usage

Batch Processing Interrupt is a technical term used primarily in the field of computer programming and software development. Its usage is generally limited to those fields and is not commonly used in everyday conversation.

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