当前位置:乐沙网 > 汉英词典 > 船长或船员故意的损害行为的英语翻译,近义词、反义词、例句




【经】 barratry of the master and mariners



barque; boat; sailer; ship; shipboard; vessel
【医】 scaph-


grow; length; lengthily; long; older
【计】 long
【医】 dolicho-; L.; length; macro-; makro-


either; maybe; or; perhaps
【计】 OR


crew; sailor; seafarer; seaman; shipman
【法】 sailor


deliberately; intentionally; on purpose; wilfully
【法】 a dessein; cold blood; deliberate intent; formed design; intent
legal malice; premeditated intent; premeditated murder; scienter


damage; harm; injure; hurt; blemish; impair; scathe; tamper; wound
【医】 lesion; nuisance
【经】 damage


act; behavior; deed; conduct; dealing; demeanour; deportment
【计】 behaviour
【化】 behaviour
【医】 behavior; praxis



chuán zhǎng huò chuán yuán gù yì de sǔn hài xíng wéi

Intentional Damage by Captain or Crew

[ɪnˈtɛnʃ(ə)n(ə)l ˈdæmɪdʒ baɪ ˈkæptɪn ɔr kruː]

“Intentional Damage by Captain or Crew”是指故意对船舶或其它船只造成的任何损害,无论是对船只还是船上的装备、乘客或其它人造成的损害。

“Intentional Damage by Captain or Crew” refers to any damage caused intentionally by a captain or crew to a vessel or any other vessel, whether to the vessel itself, its equipment, passengers or any other person on board.

该词常用于船舶保险行业和船运业中,用来描述发生在船舶上的恶意损害行为。例如,一名船员刻意破坏了船上的舵机,以便让船只偏离原来的航路,这就属于“Intentional Damage by Captain or Crew”。

This term is commonly used in the marine insurance and shipping industries to describe malicious damage that occurs on board ships. For example, if a crew member deliberately damages the ship's rudder to cause deviation from the planned route, this would be considered "Intentional Damage by Captain or Crew".

例句:一名机组成员因为不满船长安排的工作时间,意图偷偷放水以破坏船只,结果被抓住,被判犯有“Intentional Damage by Captain or Crew”的罪名。

Example sentence: A crew member attempted to sabotage the vessel by secretly releasing water due to dissatisfaction with the captain's work schedule. However, he was caught and convicted of "Intentional Damage by Captain or Crew".

近义词:malicious damage(恶意破坏)

Synonym: malicious damage

反义词:accidental damage(意外损害)

Antonym: accidental damage

“Intentional Damage by Captain or Crew”在海运货物和船舶保险业务中经常出现,这是因为这类事件可能对他们的经济造成严重影响。

"Intentional Damage by Captain or Crew" is a common occurrence in maritime cargo and ship insurance businesses, as they could have serious economic consequences in such events.


The word frequency of this term is relatively low, but it is still important in industries or jobs related to maritime shipping.

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