【医】 Semidecussation
half; in the middle; semi-
【计】 semi
【医】 demi-; hemi-; semi-; semis; ss
【经】 quasi
across; chiasma; cross; crossover; intersect; obliquity
【计】 cross; cross connection; intercross; interleaving
【医】 chiasm; chiasma; chiasmata; decussate; decussatio; decussation
翻译 | 半交叉(Bàn jiāochā)
英语解释 | Half-cursive
Half-cursive is a popular handwritten Chinese character writing method commonly used in mainland China and Singapore. It is fast, convenient, and simple to write and is an excellent way for primary and secondary school students and foreigners to learn Chinese characters.
英文读音 | Bàn jiāochā
Bàn jiāochā is pronounced as "Bahn Jow Chaa" in English.
英文用法 | Usage
Half-cursive is often used in informal contexts, such as note-taking and personal correspondence. It is not considered appropriate for formal documents or professional communication.
英文例句 | Examples
- 我平时都是用半交叉写笔记的。 (I usually take notes in half-cursive.)
- 请你用正楷写这份合同。 (Please write this contract in regular script.)
英文近义词 | Synonyms
- Simplified Chinese handwriting
- Informal Chinese writing
英文反义词 | Antonyms
- Regular script
- Formal Chinese writing
英文单词常用度 | Word Frequency
The term "half-cursive" is not commonly used in English. If referring to handwritten Chinese characters, "simplified Chinese handwriting" or "informal Chinese writing" may be used instead.