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choose the wrong audience


  1. 他跟他妻子讲解那音乐之美,可是这无异于对牛弹琴
    He explained the beauty of the music to his wife but it was casting pearls before swine.
  2. 他向她讲解那音乐的妙处,可是这无异于对牛弹琴
    He explained the beauty of the music to her but it was casting pearls before swine.
  3. 面对这个客商,他感到好像是在对牛弹琴
    With this customer, he felt himself, as it were, casting pearls before swine.



right; answer; reply; at; check; compare; couple; mutual; opposite; versus; vs
face to face
【计】 P
【化】 dyad
【医】 Adv.; contra-; corps; ob-; p-; pair; par; para-
【经】 vs


cattle; moggy; moo-cow; neat; ox
【医】 Bos taurus; fauro-


ball; bomb; flip; pellet; play; shoot; spring
【医】 bomb; bullet


musical instrument
【医】 lyra; lyre; psalterium



对牛弹琴 duì niú tán qín

The idiomatic expression "duì niú tán qín" means to speak to an unappreciative audience, where the audience is either uninterested or unable to understand the message of the speaker. It comes from an anecdote in Zhuangzi, a Taoist philosopher, where a man named Bo Ya played the guqin, a seven-stringed instrument, in front of his friend Zhong Ziqi. Zhong Ziqi had been dead for three years, but Bo Ya continued to play music for him. A woodcutter overheard Bo Ya and said that he only heard the sounds of strings and not the music, to which Bo Ya replied, "You understand it. I am speaking to the wrong audience".

The English pronunciation of "duì niú tán qín" is approximately "dwee-nyoh-tan-cheen".


The idiomatic expression "duì niú tán qín" can be used in English to describe situations where someone is speaking to an unappreciative audience. For example:

He tried to explain the complexities of physics to his dog, but he might as well have been duì niú tán qín.


She gave a passionate speech about climate change to a room full of oil executives, but she might as well have been duì niú tán qín.



Similar idiomatic expressions in English include "casting pearls before swine" and "preaching to the choir". Both describe situations where someone is trying to communicate with an audience that cannot appreciate or understand the message.



There is not a direct opposite to the idiomatic expression "duì niú tán qín" in English. However, a similar idiom with the opposite meaning is "preaching to the choir", which means to speak to an audience that already agrees with and supports the speaker's message.

英语中没有与“duì niú tán qín”相对应的直接反义词。然而,一个意思相反的类似的成语是“对唱诗班讲道”,它的意思是向一个已经支持并支持演讲者信息的观众发表演讲。


The English expression "duì niú tán qín" is not commonly used in everyday conversation, but it is sometimes found in literature or academic writing.

英语表达“duì niú tán qín”在日常交流中不常用,但有时会出现在文学或学术写作中。

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