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【医】 disseminatus lupus; lupus discretus



【医】 dissemination


【医】 eating tetter; lupus; tentigo prava


播散性狼疮 Bō sàn xìng láng chuān


Lupus erythematosus disseminatus

The English translation of “播散性狼疮” is Lupus erythematosus disseminatus, which is a type of autoimmune disease. It is sometimes referred to as systemic lupus erythematosus, and is commonly abbreviated to SLE. The main symptoms of the disease include facial rashes, fatigue, lower back and joint pain.

发音 Fā yīn

The English pronunciation of Lupus erythematosus disseminatus is “loo-puh s air-uh-them-uh-toh-suh s dih-sem-uh-ney-tuhs”.

用法 Yòng fǎ

In English, lupus is usually used to refer to Lupus erythematosus disseminatus. It is important to note that lupus is not contagious in any way. It is a chronic disease that affects the immune system, causing it to attack healthy cells and tissues.

例句 Lì jù

Here is an example sentence in English: “My sister was diagnosed with lupus last year, and she has been receiving treatment ever since.”(“我姐姐去年被确诊为播散性狼疮,自那以来一直在接受治疗。”)

近义词 Jìn yì cí

Systemic lupus erythematosus is a synonym of Lupus erythematosus disseminatus. Other diseases that are similar to SLE include rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, and polymyositis.

反义词 Fǎn yì cí

The antonym of Lupus erythematosus disseminatus is a healthy immune system.

常用度 Cháng yòng dù

Lupus erythematosus disseminatus is a relatively rare disease, with an average of 1 in 2,000 people being affected by the disease in the United States. However, among some populations, such as African Americans and Asians, the prevalence of the disease is much higher.

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