【医】 urethrobulbar
【医】 bulb of corpus cavernosum; bulb of corpus spongiosum; bulb of penis
bulbus penis; bulbus urethrae
niào dào qiú
The English translation for “尿道球” is “bulb of penis”. It refers to the rounded base of the corpus spongiosum, which is a spongy tissue that surrounds the urethra and expands during an erection.
The English pronunciation for “尿道球” is [bʌlb əv ˈpiːnɪs].
The term “bulb of penis” is a medical term that is used to describe the anatomy of the male reproductive system. It is primarily used by doctors and medical professionals and is not commonly used in everyday language.
During sexual arousal, the bulb of penis becomes engorged with blood and helps to maintain the erection.
The synonyms for “bulb of penis” include “bulbous urethral gland”, “bulbourethral gland”, and “Cowper’s gland”.
“Bulb of penis”的同义词包括“尿道球腺”、“尿道球腺体”、“Cowper腺”等。
As a medical term, “bulb of penis” does not have a direct antonym or opposite term.
作为医学术语,“bulb of penis”没有直接的反义词或相反的术语。
As a medical term, “bulb of penis” is not a commonly used word in everyday language. It is only used by doctors and medical professionals when discussing the anatomy of the male reproductive system and related medical conditions.
作为医学术语,“bulb of penis”不是日常语言中常用的词汇。它仅用于医生和医学专业人员在讨论男性生殖系统的解剖学和相关医学状况时使用。