【经】 unappropriated surplus at the end of year
age; annual; New Year; year【计】 YR
【经】 yr
end; last stage; minor details; powder; tip【医】 tele-; telo-
【经】 unappropriated budget surplus; unappropriated earned surplusunappropriated surplus; uncommitted surplus; unencumbered surplus
年末未支配盈余 (nián mò wèi zhī pèi yíng yú)
英语解释翻译 (English Translation)
The English translation of 年末未支配盈余 is "Undistributed Profit at Year End" or "Retained Earnings".
英文读音 (Pronunciation)
The pronunciation of "Undistributed Profit at Year End" is /ʌndɪˈstrɪbjʊtɪd ˈprɒfɪt æt jɪər end/. The pronunciation of "Retained Earnings" is /rɪˈteɪnd ˈɜːnɪŋz/.
英文的用法 (Usage)
Undistributed Profit at Year End or Retained Earnings is a term used in accounting to represent the portion of a company's profits that has not been distributed to shareholders as dividends, but instead is kept within the company for reinvestment or other purposes.
英文例句 (Examples)
- Our company had a year-end undistributed profit of $500,000, which was reinvested in the company.
- The retained earnings of the previous year were used to fund the expansion of our company's operations.
英文近义词 (Synonyms)
- Accumulated Earnings
- Accumulated Deficit
- Reserves
英文反义词 (Antonyms)
- Distributed Profit
- Dividends Paid
英文单词常用度 (Word Frequency)
Undistributed Profit at Year End and Retained Earnings are both technical accounting terms, so they are not commonly used in everyday conversation or writing.