fall out with sb.
- 他曾一度和他的叔父闹翻。He once fell out with his uncle.
- 自从[社会福利]支票停止以后,鲁宾逊小姐从公寓被迫迁出来,找到一个男友,跟他闹翻了,最后到了无家可归者的收容所里。Since the [welfare] checks stopped, Ms. Robinson has been evicted from an apartment, found a boy-friend and fallen out with him, and wound up in a shelter for the homeless.
- 我敢保证他们要不了多久就会为母亲留下的那笔钱闹翻的。It won't be long before they are falling out over that money their mother left them, or I'm a Dutchman.
be troubled by; do; go in for; make; make a noise; noisy; suffer from翻的英语翻译:
cross; search; translate; turn over网络扩展解释
中文拼音:nào fān
英语解释翻译:to fall out; to have a fight; to quarrel
英文读音:nǎo fān
- We fell out over a misunderstanding.(我们由于误解而吵了一架。)
- They had a big fight and haven't spoken in days.(他们大吵了一顿,已经好几天没说话了。)
- The group broke up after falling out over money.(这个团体因为钱的问题而分裂了。)
- quarrel - argue noisily, often about trivial matters(争吵 - 大声争论,通常是关于琐事的。)
- fight - use physical force to try to defeat another person or group(打斗 - 用肉体力量试图打败另一个人或团体。)
- argue - give reasons or evidence to support or challenge a point of view(争论 - 给出支持或质疑观点的理由或证据。)
- make up - become reconciled after a quarrel(言归于好 - 在争吵后和解。)
- be at peace - be free from disturbance; live calmly(和平共处 - 没有干扰;平静生活。)
根据谷歌Ngram Viewer数据,"fall out"这个短语在英文写作中的使用频率从18世纪开始逐渐增加,在20世纪中叶达到顶峰。
在英美口语中,"fall out"也是很常用的短语之一,表示争吵、打架、吵架等含义。