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pity; sorrow


  1. 他零零地躺在路边,旁观的人都投以怜的目光。
    He lay helpless in the street under the pitying gaze of the bystanders.
  2. 我总是对乞丐心怀怜
    I always have pity on the beggars.
  3. 他的眼泪引起在场人的怜
    His tears were pathetic to witness.
  4. 常近乎于爱。
    Pity is often akin to love.
  5. 他感到有一种近於怜的感情。
    He felt something akin to pity.



中文拼音: mín

英语解释: to sympathize with; to feel sorry for

英文读音: /mɪn/

英文的用法: 悯 is usually used as a verb to express sympathy or sorrow for someone or something. It can also be used as a noun to mean "sympathy" or "compassion".


  1. 我很悯他的遭遇。(I sympathize with his plight.)
  2. 她对受害者表达了深深的悯。(She expressed deep sympathy for the victims.)

英文近义词: sympathize, pity, commiserate

英文反义词: despise, scorn

英文单词常用度: 悯 is not a commonly used word in English and is considered relatively formal. It is usually used in written language or formal speeches.

悯的含义是表达对某人、某事的同情或悲痛之情。它也可以用作名词,表示“同情”或“怜悯”。本词汇在英语中不常用,通常用于正式的书面语言或演讲中。英文例句中,"I sympathize with his plight." 表示对某人遭遇的共鸣,而"She expressed deep sympathy for the victims." 则更直接的表达了对受害者的同情之情。其中的近义词包括sympathize, pity, commiserate,反义词则有despise, scorn。

汉英词典 请记住链接:https://hanying.yuesha.com/nrGulaWe.html
