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【法】 supposititious will



imitate; imitation; pretend to be
【计】 masquerading


dying words; one's last will and testamnet; testament; will
【医】 ante-mortem statement
【经】 wilful default


冒充的遗嘱(màochōng de yíwì)


英语解释翻译(English Translation)

The English translation of “冒充的遗嘱” is impersonated will or falsified will.

英文读音(English Pronunciation)

The pronunciation of “impersonated will” is /ɪmˈpərsəneɪtɪd wɪl/, while the pronunciation of “falsified will” is /ˈfɔːlsɪfaɪd wɪl/.

英文的用法(中文解释)(Usage of English Words)

The expression “impersonated will” is often used in the legal field. It refers to a will that has been created or altered to make it appear as if it were made by someone else.

The term “falsified will” is also used in the legal system to describe a will that has been forged or changed in some way.

英文例句(包含中文解释)(English Example Sentences)

1. He was charged with creating an impersonated will in order to gain his grandfather's inheritance.(他因为伪造遗嘱以获得祖父的遗产而被起诉。)

2. The lawyer was able to prove that the will was falsified and had not been made by the deceased.(律师证明了这是一份伪造文件,不是死者所遗留。)

英文近义词(包含中文解释)(English Synonyms)

Synonyms for “impersonated will” include fraudulent will, bogus will, and sham will.(“冒充的遗嘱”的近义词包括欺诈遗嘱、虚假遗嘱和伪造遗嘱。)

For “falsified will”, its synonyms include forged will, fake will, and counterfeit will.(对于“伪造的遗嘱”,它的近义词包括假造遗嘱、虚假遗嘱和伪造遗嘱。)

英文反义词(包含中文解释)(English Antonyms)

There are no direct antonyms for the terms “impersonated will” and “falsified will”.(对于“冒充的遗嘱”和“伪造遗嘱”,没有直接反义词。)

英文单词常用度(Frequency of English Words)

“Impersonated” and “falsified” are relatively uncommon words, with “falsified” being more commonly used than “impersonated”.(“Impersonated”和“falsified”这两个词均属于不太常用的单词,其中“falsified”的使用频率更高一些。)

汉英词典 请记住链接:https://hanying.yuesha.com/nrGpmqeh.html
