take a part for the whole
human; fellow; human being; individual; man; people; person; soul【医】 anthropo-; homme; man
feel; feel out; stroke; touch; try to find out象的英语翻译:
appearance; as; elephant; imitate; like; look as if; resemble; shapetake after; trigram
【法】 take after
Máng rén mō xiàng
"Blind men touching an elephant"
This idiomatic expression is used to describe a situation where different people have different perspectives and understanding of the same thing.
blaynd men tuh-ching ahn el-uh-fuhnt
The phrase "Blind men touching an elephant" is often used in English to illustrate how different people can have different perspectives on the same thing. It is commonly used in situations where people have varying opinions on a certain topic or issue.
Everyone in the meeting had a different perspective on the project. It was like the blind men touching an elephant.
When the news broke, there were many different rumors spreading around. It was like the blind men touching an elephant.
People may have different interpretations of the same events. It's like the blind men touching an elephant.
- Different strokes for different folks
- To each his own
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
- Seeing the big picture
- Taking a holistic approach