predict with miraculous accuracy
- 我又不能料事如神,总不免要吃点小亏。Since I cannot foretell things like a prophet, I cannot help taking a small loss.
accident; affair; be engaged in; business; job; matter; responsibility; servething; trouble; work
according to; as; as if; for instance; like; such as神的英语翻译:
clever; deity; divinity; infinite; numen; omniscience; spirit; supernaturalthe Everlasting
料事如神 (liào shì rú shén) 的拼音是 liào shì rú shén。 这句话在英语中的解释是 "To handle affairs with God-like efficiency."
这句中文成语的英文读音是 "liao shi ru shen"。它的意思是,处理事务非常有效率,就像神一样完美无缺。
以下是一些英文例句,以说明如何使用 "to handle affairs with God-like efficiency" 这句话:
- My assistant is amazing. She handles everything with God-like efficiency. (我的助手真是太棒了, 她处理所有事情都非常有效率。)
- In order to succeed in business, you need to be able to handle affairs with God-like efficiency. (要想在商业中取得成功, 你需要能够像神一样能够非常有效率地处理事务。)
以下是一些与 "to handle affairs with God-like efficiency" 相似的英文短语:
- To be on top of things - 准备好,处于掌握之中(to be prepared and in control)
- To be organized - 有条理, 有组织(to have things in order and to prioritize effectively)
- To be efficient - 高效率(to complete tasks with minimal effort and time)
以下是一些与 "to handle affairs with God-like efficiency" 相反的英文词语:
- To be disorganized - 没有条理(to lack organization and control)
- To be inefficient - 低效率(to complete tasks with excessive effort and time)
"To handle affairs with God-like efficiency" 这句短语在英文中不是很常用,但它是一种有力的表达方式,可以在一些商务和正式场合中使用。
总之,"料事如神" 这个成语形象地描绘了高效率和完美无缺的处理事务方式。在英语中,有一些类似的表达方式,可以传达相同的含义。