mechanization; mechanize
chance; crucial point; engine; machine; occasion; organic; pivot; plane
【医】 machine
act; move; stir; use
【医】 kino-
burn up; change; convert; melt; spend; turn
机动化(jī dòng huà),是指使用机器、自动化设备等技术手段,提高生产、管理效率的过程。机动化广泛应用于工业、农业、交通运输、医疗卫生等领域。
Engligh Translation
The English translation of 机动化 is mechanization, which refers to the process of improving production and management efficiency through the use of machinery and automated equipment. Mechanization is widely used in various fields such as industry, agriculture, transportation, and health care.
Engligh Pronunciation
The pronunciation of mechanization is /mekənaɪ'zeʃən/.
Engligh Usage
In English, mechanization is commonly used to describe the process of introducing machinery and automated equipment into a production or management system. It can also refer to the use of machines in agriculture to replace manual labor.
Engligh Example Sentences
- With the mechanization of the factory, production efficiency has increased significantly.(随着工厂的机械化,生产效率显著提高了。)
- The government is promoting the mechanization of agriculture to reduce labor costs.(政府正在推动农业机械化,以减少劳动成本。)
Engligh Synonyms
- Automation(自动化)
- Industrialization(工业化)
Engligh Antonyms
- Manual labor(体力劳动)
- Handmade(手工制作的)
Engligh Word Frequency
According to the Corpus of Contemporary American English, the word "mechanization" appears 164 times per million words in academic texts, 15 times per million words in fiction, and 28 times per million words in magazines. This suggests that mechanization is a moderately frequent word in English, particularly in academic contexts.