freeze; ice; ice over; ice up; icing相关词条:
1.icecoating 2.ice 3.freeze 4.froze 5.iceup 6.frazil 7.tofreeze 8.beicing例句:
- 几个行人在结冰的人行道上滑倒了。Several pedestrians had come to grief on the icy pavement.
- 由于路上结冰,汽车的轮子打滑。The car wheels would not bite because of the ice.
- 飞机的两翼可能会结冰。The plane's wings might get iced up.
- 火车因铁轨结冰而误点。The train was delayed because of ice on the line.
- 飞机的机翼上又结冰了。Ice re-formed on the plane's wings.
congeal; form; knot; settle; vinculum; weave【医】 knob; knot; node; nodule; noduli; nodulus; nodus; noeud
ice【医】 ice
jié bīng
Structure: Verb
Meaning: To freeze
Pronunciation: /dʒeɪt ˈbaɪŋ
Usage: This verb is commonly used to refer to water becoming solid due to the cold weather. It can also be used to describe other liquids turning into solid forms.
Example: 冬天来了,水管里的水都结冰了。(Dōng tiān lái le, shuǐ guǎn lǐ de shuǐ dōu jié bīng le.)
Translation: Winter is here, and the water in the pipes has frozen.
Synonyms: 凝固 (níng gù) - to solidify, 沸腾 (fèi téng) - to boil, 熔化 (róng huà) - to melt.
Antonyms: 融化 (róng huà) - to thaw, to melt.
Frequency: This word is commonly used in daily conversations, especially during the winter months when temperatures drop and water freezes.