nimble; prompt; triumph; victory
- 在小组讨论会上,约翰总是反应敏捷,争先发言。In group discussions, John is always quick on the trigger.
- 我的学生在课堂上好像都一样聪明敏捷,但看一看他们的作业,就很容易看出好坏。My students seem equally quick and bright in class but when I look at their written work it's easy to separate the wheat from the chaff.
- "新来的秘书是个敏捷的、效率高的工作人员,老板对她很满意。""The new secretary is a quick, efficient worker, and the boss is quite satisfied with her."
- 这次大捷使整个战局为之改观。This great victory changed the complexion of the war.
"捷"的中文拼音为 "jié"。英语解释翻译包含 "quick, agile, proficient, victorious",等含义。
"捷"的英文读音为 "jyeh" 或 "jyair"。
作为形容词的 "捷" 在英文中表示快速和敏捷,例如 "a quick mind" 或 "an agile athlete"。此外,"捷" 还可以表示胜利,例如 "a victorious army"。
- "His quick reflexes allowed him to dodge the bullet." (他的敏捷反应使他躲开了子弹。)
- "She is an agile dancer and can perform difficult moves with ease." (她是位敏捷的舞者,能够轻松地完成困难的动作。)
- "The victorious team celebrated their win with a parade." (胜利的队伍举行了游行庆祝胜利。)
- Fast - quick (快的 - 快速的)
- Nimble - agile (敏捷的 - 敏捷的)
- Skilled - proficient (熟练的 - 精通的)
- Triumphant - victorious (胜利的 - 获胜的)
- Slow - not quick (慢的 - 不快速的)
- Clumsy - not agile (笨拙的 - 不敏捷的)
- Inexperienced - not proficient (无经验的 - 不精通的)
- Defeated - not victorious (被打败的 - 不获胜的)
根据语料库数据,"捷" 不是常用单词,但仍在正式的英文书面语中使用。