the slow need to start early
stupid; thickheaded鸟的英语翻译:
bird; fowl; jay先的英语翻译:
ancestor; before; deceased; earlier; in advance【医】 fore-
fly; swiftly【化】 femto-
《笨鸟先飞》的中文拼音为“bèn niǎo xiān fēi”,英语解释为,“The stupid bird flies first”,读音为“Duh Bird First Fights”。
“The stupid bird flies first” 这句话通常用于鼓励一些缺乏信心的人,告诉他们即使是不那么聪明的人也能够成功。该短语在英语中的使用场景不是非常广泛,因此很少会在正式场合中使用,一般常见于口语和非正式场合。常用度较低。
Don't worry that you're not smart enough to start your own business; remember, the stupid bird flies first.
I might not be the brightest person, but I'm going to try anyway. After all, the stupid bird flies first, right?
- Every dog has his day: 每个人都会有成功的时候 (Everyone will have their moment of success)
- Slow and steady wins the race: 缓慢而稳定的前进最终会获得胜利 (Slow and steady progress ultimately leads to success)
- Persistence pays off: 坚持会有回报 (Persistence eventually results in success)
- The early bird catches the worm: 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 (Those who wake up early will have more opportunities)
- You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs: 不打不成蛋糕 (You have to take risks in order to achieve success)
- Genius is the ability to put into effect what is in your mind: 天才是将思想付诸行动的能力 (Genius involves the ability to turn thoughts into actions)