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【计】 backward shift operator



【医】 retrocession; retroposition; retrude; retrusion


functor; operator


后移算子 - Hou Yi Suan Zi


英语解释翻译 - Translation and Definition in English

The translation of 后移算子 (Hou Yi Suan Zi) in English is 'Shift Operator'. The shift operator is widely used in mathematics and physics.

英文读音 - Pronunciation in English

The pronunciation of 后移算子 (Hou Yi Suan Zi) in English is 'ho-yi-swan-dsir'.

英文的用法 - Usage in English

In English, a shift operator is a mathematical operator that performs a shift operation. It is used to move the position of elements in a sequence or array by a defined amount of spaces.

英文例句 - Example Sentence in English

One example of using the shift operator in programming is to shift all the elements in an array to the right by one position. This can be done using the shift operator '>>' in C++ or Java.

在编程中使用移位操作符的一个例子是将数组中的所有元素向右移动一个位置。这可以使用C ++或Java中的移位操作符'>>'完成。

英文近义词 - Synonyms in English

The synonyms of shift operator in English include displacement operator, translation operator, and sliding operator.这个术语在数学和物理学中有广泛的应用,因此有很多同义词。

英文反义词 - Antonyms in English

There are no antonyms for shift operator in English.

英文单词常用度 - Popularity of the Word in English

Shift operator is a commonly used term in mathematics and computer science, and is therefore likely to be familiar to many people in English-speaking countries. It has a high degree of popularity and familiarity.

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