aerial survey
1.aerialsurveying 2.aerialphotography 3.aerialmapping分词翻译:
boat; navigate; ship测的英语翻译:
infer; measure; survey网络扩展解释
航测(háng cè)是一种通过航空器搭载的传感器对地球表面进行遥感观测的方法。航测技术广泛应用于土地勘测、资源管理、城市规划、环境监测、水文学研究等领域。
The English translation for 航测 is "aerial surveying". It refers to the method of using sensors mounted on aircraft to observe and measure the earth's surface from a distance. Aerial surveying technology is widely used in land surveying, resource management, urban planning, environmental monitoring, hydrology research, and many other fields.
The English pronunciation for 航测 is "háng cè".
In English, aerial surveying refers to the use of aircraft to observe and measure the earth's surface from a distance. This technology is an important tool for mapping, resource management, and environmental monitoring, among other applications.
- Aerial surveying is an important tool for monitoring and managing natural resources, such as forests and waterways.(航测是监测和管理自然资源,例如森林和水道等的重要工具。)
- The use of aerial surveying technology has greatly increased our ability to map and analyze land features, such as vegetation and topography.(航测技术的使用大大提高了我们绘制和分析地形要素(例如植被和地势)的能力。)
- Through aerial surveying, we can identify potential hazards and monitor small changes in the landscape that could have big consequences.(通过航测,我们可以识别潜在的危险,并监测对地貌造成大影响的微小变化。)
In English, the synonyms for aerial surveying include:
- Aerial mapping - 航空制图
- Aerial photography - 航空摄影
- Aerial remote sensing - 航空遥感
In English, the antonyms for aerial surveying include:
- Ground surveying - 地面测量
- Manual mapping - 手工绘图
- Traditional surveying - 传统测量
Aerial surveying is a technical term that is used primarily in the fields of geography, geology, forestry, and engineering. It is not a common term in everyday English usage.