【经】 gross domestic investments
【法】 inland投资总额的英语翻译:
【化】 aggregate investment; gross assets; volume of total investment【经】 investment in the business
guó nèi tóu zī zǒng é
Chinese Pinyin: guó - nèi - tóu zī - zǒng é
English Translation: Total Domestic Investment
English Pronunciation: /təʊtəl dəˈmɛstɪk ɪnˈvɛstmənt/
English Usage: The total amount of investment made within a country's borders, including foreign investment and government expenditures.
English Example Sentence: China's total domestic investment for the year 2020 exceeded 60 trillion yuan.
English Synonym: Gross Domestic Investment (GDI)
English Synonym Explanation: GDI refers to the total value of all investments made within a country, including the government sector, households, and businesses. It is similar to the concept of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), but with a focus on investment rather than overall economic output.
English Antonym: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
English Antonym Explanation: FDI refers to investment made by a foreign entity in a domestic market, rather than investment made within a country by domestic entities.
English Word Frequency: This term is most commonly used in economic and financial contexts, and is considered to be of moderate frequency in general usage.