【经】 assigned cost
change the name of owner in a register; transfer; transfer ownership
【经】 assign; transfer number; transfer of names; transfers
【经】 cost; cost,insurance,freight by plane; degression
过户成本的中文拼音是guò hù chéng běn,其英语解释是"transfer costs",读音为/trænsfər kɒsts/。
在英文中,"transfer costs"是指在房地产交易或汽车交易等场合,为完成过户所产生的费用。包括但不限于过户税、印花税(英国)、律师费、补丁修补费以及车辆年检费用等。
以下是一些典型的含有"transfer costs"的英文例句:
- Our real estate agent failed to mention the high transfer costs associated with buying this property.
- The transfer costs for this car were much higher than I anticipated.
- Don't forget to factor in the transfer costs when calculating the final price of the house.
和"transfer costs"相似的英文单词有"conveyancing costs",它们的意思相近,都是指房产或车辆交易中的各种费用。以下是一些含有"conveyancing costs"的英文例句:
- The conveyancing costs for this house are quite reasonable, considering its prime location.
- Before you buy a car, it's always a good idea to research the conveyancing costs associated with transferring ownership.
与"transfer costs"相反的英文单词是"receiving costs",它的意思是买家在交易时需要支付给卖家的费用。以下是一些含有"receiving costs"的英文例句:
- The receiving costs for this car were quite modest compared to other similar models.
- We managed to negotiate a lower selling price to offset the high receiving costs associated with buying this property.
总体而言,"transfer costs"是一个在房产和汽车交易中十分常用的词汇,是我们在进行相关交易时需要了解的一个重要概念。