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【计】 experience logic



experience; suffer; undergo
【计】 exhausting
【经】 experience


【计】 logic
【经】 logic


经验逻辑 - Jīngyàn luójí

“经验逻辑”一词,最早出现在德国哲学家休谟的著作中,是翻译自英文的“empirical logic”。其中,“empirical”意为“基于经验的”,“logic”则是“逻辑”之意。

英语解释翻译 - English Translation and Explanation

“Empirical Logic” refers to a type of logic that is based on observations and experiences rather than abstract reasoning. It is also known as "inductive reasoning" or "bottom-up reasoning."

英文读音 - English Pronunciation

Empirical Logic is pronounced as "em-pir-uh-kuhl loh-jik".

英文用法 - English Usage

Empirical Logic is commonly used in scientific research and experimentation. It involves using observations and data to form a hypothesis or theory, instead of starting with a preconceived idea and looking for evidence to support it.

英文例句 - English Example Sentences

  • Empirical logic can be useful in discovering new scientific theories.
  • The researcher used empirical logic to form a conclusion based on their data.

英文近义词 - English Synonyms

  • Inductive reasoning
  • Bottom-up reasoning
  • Observation-based logic

英文反义词 - English Antonyms

  • Deductive reasoning
  • Top-down reasoning
  • Abstract logic

英文单词常用度 - Word Frequency in English

According to the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), "empirical" is the 2032nd most common word in spoken English, and the 1549th most common word in written English. "Logic" is the 410th most common word in spoken English, and the 225th most common word in written English.

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