当前位置:乐沙网 > 汉英词典 > 境的英语翻译,近义词、反义词、例句




area; border; condition; territory


  1. 我遇到了一位遇变化了的老友。
    I came across an old friend in changed circumstances.
  2. 据说总统已经秘密逃往边了。
    It is said President has escaped to the border in secret.
  3. 他做此事是为环所迫。
    He was forced by the circumstances to do this.
  4. 他在越地点被卫兵逮捕。
    He was arrested by guards at the border crossing.
  5. 有人送你到边,然后你必须自己走了。
    You'll be accompanied as far as the border, thereafter you must find your own way.
  6. 敌军在边附近发生冲突。
    The enemy armies clashed near the border.
  7. 双方军队在边的冲突引发了战争。
    A border clash between the two armies started the war.
  8. 上的紧张局势加重了我们对战争的忧虑。
    The serious incident along the border increased our fears of the war.




Translation: Jing: refers to the boundary or limit of an area or state, can also refer to the range or scope of something.


Pronunciation: jĭng

Usage: In English, "jing" is not a commonly used word. However, it can be used as a prefix, such as "jingling" or "jinglun".


1. 他无法摆脱经济上的困难,这已经超出了他的能力范围。(He can't get rid of the financial difficulties, which is beyond his capability.)

2. 这个城市的成长已经超越了它的原始疆界。(The growth of this city has exceeded its original boundaries.)


1. Range: 范围

2. Boundary: 界限

3. Limit: 限度


1. Freedom: 自由

2. Infinity: 无限

3. Openness: 开放





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