aficionado; arrogant; crazy; mad; violent; wild
【医】 madness; mania; raving
violent wind
狂飙 - Kuáng biāo
英语解释翻译 - English Definition and Translation
"Kuáng biāo", when translated to English, means a violent wind or gale force. It can also describe someone or something that is extremely passionate or emotional.
英文读音 - Pronunciation in English
The English pronunciation of "Kuáng biāo" is something like "koo-ung bee-ow", with the emphasis on the first syllable.
英文的用法 - Usage in English
In English, "Kuáng biāo" is often used to describe strong winds and storms, but it can also be used figuratively to refer to someone's extreme emotional state or behavior.
英文例句 - Examples in English
- "The storm produced kuáng biāo winds that knocked down trees and power lines."
- "After he won the championship, he was filled with kuáng biāo excitement and joy."
英文近义词 - Synonyms in English
- Gale force
- Fierce winds
- Blustery weather
- Tempestuous
- Passionate
- Emotional
英文反义词 - Antonyms in English
- Gentle breeze
- Mild weather
- Calmness
- Composure
英文单词常用度 - Frequency in English
The term "Kuáng biāo" is not commonly used in English, so it may be unfamiliar to many English speakers and not frequently encountered in written or spoken texts.