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eloquence; speechcraft
【法】 eloquence



cut; gob; jaws; mouth; opening; ostium; scoop; stoma
【医】 aditus; apertura; aperturae; aperture; bouche; introitus; meatus; mouth
opening; ora; orifice; orificium; oro-; os1; ostia; ostium; portal
stoma; stomata; stomato-; trema


ability; just


口才 Kou Cai


英语解释翻译 Engish Translation

The English translation of 口才 is "eloquence" or "verbal fluency".

英文读音 English Pronunciation

The English pronunciation of 口才 is "kǒu cái".

英文的用法 English Usage

In English, we use "eloquence" to refer to a person's ability to speak persuasively and fluently. It is often used to describe a public speaker or politician who is able to captivate an audience with their words.

英文例句 English Example Sentences

  • He was known for his eloquence and often gave stirring speeches at political rallies.(他以口才闻名,并经常在政治集会上发表鼓舞人心的演讲。)
  • She possessed a rare eloquence that made her stand out as a leader among her colleagues.(她拥有一种罕见的口才,使她在同事中脱颖而出成为一位领袖。)

英文近义词 English Synonyms

  • Oratory: the art of public speaking or formal speechmaking
  • Rhetoric: the skill of using language effectively and persuasively
  • Fluency: the ability to speak or write a language easily and accurately

英文反义词 English Antonyms

  • Inarticulateness: the inability to speak or express oneself clearly
  • Incoherence: lack of logical clarity or organization
  • Stammering: a speech disorder involving hesitation or repetition of words or sounds

英文单词常用度 English Word Frequency

In terms of frequency of use, "eloquence" is a fairly common word in English.



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