【医】 microrespirometer
minim; sparklet; atom; dram; drop; scruple; tittle
【医】 microdosage; microdose; microdosis; minute dose; trace
atman; breath; breathe; breathing; respiration; respire; wind
【化】 respiration
【医】 anapnea; breath; breathing; pneo-; pneuma-; pneumato-; pneumo-
pneusometer; R.; respiration; respire; spiro-
idea; plan; calculate; count; meter; stratagem
【医】 meter
微量呼吸计 - Wēiliàng Hūxī Jì
英语解释翻译 - Respiratory Rate Monitor
The term "微量呼吸计" can be translated as "Respiratory Rate Monitor" in English. It refers to a device used to measure and monitor the breathing rate and sounds, primarily in medical and healthcare settings. This device accurately tracks and records a person's respiratory patterns, providing valuable health indicators for physicians.
英文读音 - ˌrɛs·pəˈræ·tɔr·i reɪt ˈmɑn·ə·tər
The English pronunciation of "Respiratory Rate Monitor" is: [res-puh-ruh-tawr-ee reyt man-i-ter].
英文的用法 - Usage in English
The Respiratory Rate Monitor is commonly used in medical settings to assess a patient's respiratory health. By accurately measuring the breathing rate and sounds, it helps in diagnosing respiratory conditions, monitoring the effectiveness of treatment, and evaluating overall respiratory function.
英文例句 - English Example Sentences
1. The doctor used a respiratory rate monitor to assess the patient's breathing pattern. (医生使用呼吸监测仪来评估患者的呼吸模式。)
2. The respiratory rate monitor indicated that the patient's breathing was within the normal range. (呼吸监测仪显示患者的呼吸在正常范围内。)
英文近义词 - Synonyms in English
1. Breathing Rate Monitor (呼吸频率监测器)
2. Pulmonary Function Testing Device (肺功能检测设备)
3. Spirometer (肺活量计)
英文反义词 - Antonyms in English
1. Heart Rate Monitor (心率监测器)
2. Blood Pressure Monitor (血压监测器)
英文单词常用度 - Frequency of English Word
The term "Respiratory Rate Monitor" is considered a specialized medical term and is not commonly used in everyday conversation. Its frequency of use is limited to medical professionals and individuals related to the healthcare industry.