【法】 consolation money
be relieved; comfort; console
comfort; console; foster; nurture; stroke
aurum; gold; golden; metals; money
【化】 gold
【医】 Au; auri-; auro-; aurum; chryso-; gold
慰抚金 (wèi fǔ jīn)
Indemnity / Compensation
The term '慰抚金' can be translated into English as 'indemnity' or 'compensation'. It refers to a monetary compensation paid by the liable party in legal terms, due to certain reasons or the loss suffered by the victim. This compensation is typically intended to compensate or console the victim for the mental or material losses incurred.
The pronunciation of '慰抚金' in English is "wee foo jin".
Usage in English
In English, 'indemnity' or 'compensation' can be used to describe the concept of '慰抚金'. It is often used in legal contexts to discuss the financial reparation provided to victims or individuals who have suffered some form of loss or harm for which another party is responsible.
Example Sentences
1. The company paid a substantial amount of compensation to the injured employee. (公司为受伤的员工支付了相当数量的慰抚金。)
2. The court ordered the defendant to pay indemnity to the plaintiff for the damages caused. (法庭判定被告需向原告支付因其所造成的损害而产生的慰抚金。)
1. Reparation (补偿): It refers to the act of compensating someone for a loss, damage, or injury.
2. Restitution (赔偿): It signifies the act of restoring or making compensation for something lost, damaged, or stolen.
1. Penalty (罚款): It refers to a punishment or fine imposed as a consequence of an offense or wrongdoing.
2. Confiscation (没收): It signifies the act of seizing someone's property, usually as a result of illegal activity or violation.
Frequency in Usage
The term 'indemnity' is commonly used in legal, financial, and insurance contexts, and is widely understood among English speakers.