examine; look into; scrutinize
- 他观察敏锐,但是很少说话。He observes keenly, but says little.
- 他的观察报告都很简单扼要。All his observations were short and to the point.
- 稽核员开始审察帐务。The auditor began the examination of accounts.
- 在检察员警惕的目光下,我害怕了。I am afraid under the vigilant eyes of the examiner.
- 你们国家的政治嫌疑犯受警察监视吗?Are political suspects kept under police observation in your country?
- 他们派她去那做观察员。They sent her there as an observer.
- 我们很难观察月亮的另一边。The far side of the moon is difficult for us to observe.
- 他被送进医院观察。He was taken into hospital for observation.
observe, examine, investigate
察 means to observe, examine or investigate something closely and carefully in order to gather information. It can also mean to become aware of something or to notice a particular detail. This word is commonly used in formal contexts, such as legal or scientific documents.
1. 我们需要对这个问题进行仔细的察看,以便得出正确的结论。 (We need to observe this issue closely to arrive at the correct conclusion.)
2. 他的眼神一直在察觉着周围的情况。(His eyes were constantly scanning the surroundings.)
observe (观察), scrutinize (仔细查看), survey (调查), inspect (检查)
ignore (忽略), neglect (疏忽), overlook (忽视)
察 is a common word in formal and technical contexts, but less common in everyday conversation. Its frequency in written English is around 0.005%.