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【计】 complete subgraph



completeness; entireness; entirety; absoluteness; every bit; perfectness
【医】 hol-; holo-


【计】 subgraph; subpicture; subscheme


完全子图 (Wánquán Zǐtú)


英语翻译 (Wánquán Zǐtú) - Complete Subgraph

The term "完全子图" can be translated into English as "Complete Subgraph". In graph theory, a complete subgraph refers to a subgraph of a given undirected graph that contains all the vertices of the original graph and all the edges between those vertices. Complete subgraphs have significant applications and research value in the fields of graph theory and combinatorial optimization.

英文读音 (Wánquán Zǐtú) - Pronunciation: kəmˈpliːt ˈsʌbɡræf

The pronunciation of "Complete Subgraph" in English is as follows: kəmˈpliːt ˈsʌbɡræf.

英文用法 (Wánquán Zǐtú) - English Usage

In English, "Complete Subgraph" refers to a subgraph that contains all the vertices and edges of the original graph. It is used to describe the structural properties and relationships within a given graph. Complete subgraphs are commonly studied in graph theory and are utilized in various computational algorithms and network analysis.

英文例句 (Wánquán Zǐtú) - English Example Sentences

1. The complete subgraph formed by these vertices is crucial for understanding the connectivity of the network. (这些顶点组成的完全子图对于理解网络的连接性至关重要。)
2. By identifying complete subgraphs, we can detect specific patterns and communities within the network. (通过识别完全子图,我们可以发现网络中的特定模式和社区。)
3. The algorithm efficiently identifies all complete subgraphs in a large-scale graph. (该算法能够高效地找出大规模图中的所有完全子图。)

英文近义词 (Wánquán Zǐtú) - Synonyms in English

1. Full Subgraph (全子图)
2. Induced Subgraph (诱导子图)
3. Maximal Complete Subgraph (极大完全子图)

英文反义词 (Wánquán Zǐtú) - Antonyms in English

1. Empty Graph (空图)
2. Null Subgraph (空子图)

英文单词常用度 (Wánquán Zǐtú) - Word Frequency in English

The term "Complete Subgraph" is relatively less commonly used in everyday English conversation. However, it is widely utilized and recognized in the fields of graph theory, computer science, and network analysis.

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