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【电】 visual photometry



seeing; vision; visual sense
【医】 optesthesia; sense of sisht; V.; vision; visual sense; visus




标题 (h2): 视觉测光法 (Shìjué cèguāng fǎ) 正文 (p): 视觉测光法是一种常用的摄影技术,用于确定照相机所需的曝光时间和光圈设置。该技术通过检测场景中的亮度分布,以便根据环境光线的条件进行调整。视觉测光法使用相机的测光传感器来测量场景中各个区域的亮度,并根据这些测量值来确定最佳的曝光参数。 英文解释翻译 (h2): Visual Metering Technique 英文解释翻译 (p): Visual Metering Technique is a commonly used photography technique that determines the required exposure time and aperture settings for a camera. This technique adjusts the exposure based on the brightness distribution in the scene, taking into account the ambient lighting conditions. Visual metering technique uses the camera's light meter sensor to measure the brightness of different areas in the scene and calculates the optimal exposure parameters based on these measurements. 英文读音 (h2): [ˈvɪʒuəl ˈmiːtərɪŋ tɛkˈniːk] 英文用法 (h2): Usage in English 英文用法 (p): The visual metering technique is commonly employed in photography to achieve proper exposure. By using this technique, photographers can accurately determine the best exposure time and aperture settings based on the brightness of different areas within the scene. Using visual metering helps ensure that the image captures the desired level of detail and overall brightness. 英文例句 (h2): Examples in English 英文例句 (p): 1. The visual metering technique is essential for obtaining well-exposed photographs in various lighting conditions. (视觉测光法在各种光照条件下获得曝光正确的照片中至关重要。) 2. Using visual metering, the photographer was able to adjust the exposure settings quickly to capture the perfect shot. (摄影师通过使用视觉测光法,能够迅速调整曝光参数,拍摄到了完美的一瞬。) 英文近义词 (h2): Synonyms in English 英文近义词 (p): 1. Light metering technique (光测技术) 2. Exposure metering technique (曝光测技术) 英文反义词 (h2): Antonyms in English 英文反义词 (p): 1. Manual exposure control (手动曝光控制) 2. Automatic exposure control (自动曝光控制) 英文单词常用度 (h2): Word frequency in English 英文单词常用度 (p): The term "visual metering technique" is commonly used among photographers and individuals interested in photography. Its frequency of use may vary depending on the context and target audience.

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