flight-test; test-fly; trial flight相关词条:
1.testflight 2.route-provingflight 3.test-flying 4.testhop分词翻译:
examination; test; try飞的英语翻译:
fly; swiftly【化】 femto-
shì fēi
The English translation of "试飞" is "test flight".
The English pronunciation of "test flight" is /tɛst flaɪt/.
In English, "test flight" refers to the process of testing an aircraft's performance and capabilities by flying it.
1. They conducted a test flight to evaluate the new prototype. (他们进行了一次试飞,以评估这个新原型的性能。)
2. The test flight revealed some issues that need to be addressed before production. (试飞揭示出了一些需要在生产前解决的问题。)
trial flight(试验航行)、experimental flight(实验飞行)
regular flight(常规飞行)、scheduled flight(定期航班)
The term "test flight" is commonly used in the aviation industry and related contexts, thus it has a high frequency of usage.