squatter; squelch
Adam's ale; Adam's wine; liquid; water【化】 water
【医】 a.; Aq.; aqua; aquae; eau; hydr-; hydro-; hydrogen monoxide; water
【经】 water
and that; moreover过的英语翻译:
across; cross; excessive; over; pass; spend; through【医】 per-
涉水而过 (shè shuǐ ér guò)
英语解释翻译 (yīng yǔ jiě shì fān yì)
该成语可以翻译为 "wade through"。
英文读音 (yīng wén dú yīn)
读音为 /weɪd θruː/。
英文的用法 (zhōng wén jiě shì)
"wade through"的意思是克服困难或挑战,持续进行某项任务或穿越障碍。通常用来形容在困难或复杂的情况下继续努力或完成任务。
英文例句 (bāo hán zhōng wén jiě shì)
1. I had to wade through a pile of paperwork before I could start my project. (在开始项目之前,我不得不处理一堆文件。)
2. She waded through the mud to rescue the stranded animal. (她涉过泥浆,救出了被困的动物。)
英文近义词 (bāo hán zhōng wén jiě shì)
1. Tackle (处理): They tackled the problem with determination. (他们坚决解决了这个问题。)
2. Overcome (克服): The team overcame many obstacles to win the championship. (团队克服了许多障碍赢得了冠军。)
英文反义词 (bāo hán zhōng wén jiě shì)
1. Avoid (避免): She managed to avoid wading through the crowded streets. (她设法避免涉过拥挤的街道。)
2. Give up (放弃): He decided to give up wading through the lengthy report. (他决定放弃阅读冗长的报告。)
英文单词常用度 (zhōng wén jiě shì)
"wade through"在英语中的使用频率较高,常用于口语和书面语。