God; joss; Juggernaut; statue of a god分词翻译:
as; image; picture; portrait; simulacrum【化】 image
【医】 aerial image; image; picture
神像(shén xiàng)在中文中是指用来供奉神明的木、石、铜等制成的形象。
Chinese Pinyin
神像 (shén xiàng)
English Translation
The English translation of "神像" is "divine statue" or "deity statue".
English Pronunciation
The English pronunciation of "神像" is "shen xiang".
English Usage
In English, "神像" refers to a carved or sculpted image of a god or deity used for worship or veneration.
English Example Sentences
1. The temple is adorned with beautiful divine statues. (这座寺庙装饰着美丽的神像。)
2. People gathered around the deity statue, offering prayers and offerings. (人们聚集在神像周围,祈祷并奉献供品。)
English Synonyms
1. Idol: a representation or symbol used for worship or devotion. (偶像)
2. Icon: a religious image or symbol that represents a deity or sacred personage. (图像)
English Antonyms
1. Atheism: disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of deities. (无神论)
2. Profanity: disrespectful or irreverent behavior towards religious beliefs or practices. (亵渎)
English Word Frequency
The word "divine statue" or "deity statue" is not as commonly used in English as other terms like "idol" or "icon" when referring to religious images. However, in specific religious contexts, the frequency of usage may vary.