当前位置:乐沙网 > 汉英词典 > 渗透池的英语翻译,近义词、反义词、例句




【医】 osmotic cells





filter; infiltrate; infiltration; interpenetrate; interpenetration; penetrate
penetration; perk; permeate; pervade; pervasion; saturation; sink; soak; sop
【计】 bleed-through; percolation
【化】 effusion; infiltration; osmosis
【医】 diosmosis; osmo-; osmose; osmosis; permeation


billabong; lake; pool; sump
【化】 cell
【医】 cistern; cisterna; cisternae; pool; tank



shèn tòu chí


The term "渗透池" can be translated into English as "infiltration pool" or "percolation pond".


The English pronunciation of "渗透池" is approximately "shun-tour chee".


In English, an "infiltration pool" or "percolation pond" refers to a structure or basin designed to collect and allow the gradual infiltration of water into the ground. It is typically used for the management and treatment of stormwater runoff or wastewater.


1. The infiltration pool helps to reduce stormwater runoff and promote groundwater recharge. (渗透池有助于减少暴雨径流并促进地下水补给。)
2. The percolation pond is an effective method for treating wastewater through natural filtration. (通过自然过滤,渗透池是处理废水的有效方法。)


Similar terms in English to "渗透池" include:
1. Infiltration basin: a basin-like structure used for the same purpose. (渗透盆地:用于同样目的的盆地结构。)
2. Retention pond: a pond that collects and stores stormwater. (蓄水池:收集和储存暴雨水的池塘。)


There are no direct antonyms to "渗透池" in English, but contrasting concepts could include:
1. Impermeable surface: a surface that does not allow water infiltration. (不透水表面:不允许水渗透的表面。)
2. Runoff: the water that flows over a surface rather than infiltrating into the ground. (径流:在地表流动而不是渗入地下的水。)


The frequency of usage of the English terms "infiltration pool" and "percolation pond" may vary depending on the specific context, such as the field of wastewater management or urban planning. However, they are relatively specialized terms and may be less commonly used in general conversations.

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