【医】 physiological astigmatism
【医】 physio-
【医】 As.; Ast.; astigmatism; astigmia
生理性散光生理性散光(shēng lǐ xìng sàn guāng)是眼睛的一种正常生理现象,它是指来自您眼球边缘的光线在进入晶状体之前被眼球散射,导致近距离对象看起来模糊不清。这种现象在青少年时期特别常见,随着年龄的增长,发生散光的程度会逐渐减少。
英文解释翻译:The English translation for "生理性散光" is "physiological astigmatism".
英文读音:The pronunciation of "physiological astigmatism" in English is /ˌfɪziəˈlɒdʒɪkəl æstɪɡˈmtɪzəm/.
英文的用法(中文解释):In English, "physiological astigmatism" is used to describe the normal refractive error of the eye where light from the periphery of the eyeball scatters before entering the lens, causing blur when viewing objects at close distances. This phenomenon is particularly common in teenagers and tends to decrease with age.
英文例句(包含中文解释):1. "Physiological astigmatism is a common condition among adolescents."(生理性散光是青少年中常见的状况。)
2. "Her vision improved once the physiological astigmatism decreased."(一旦生理性散光减轻,她的视力就有所改善。)
英文近义词(包含中文解释):1. anatomical astigmatism - A type of astigmatism caused by irregularities in the shape of the cornea or lens.(解剖性散光 - 由角膜或晶状体形状的不规则引起的散光类型。)
2. irregular astigmatism - Astigmatism resulting from irregularities in corneal shape.(不规则散光 - 由角膜形状的不规则引起的散光。)
英文反义词(包含中文解释):Regular astigmatism - A type of astigmatism where the variations in corneal curvature are symmetrically distributed.(规则散光 - 角膜曲率变化对称分布的一种散光类型。)
英文单词常用度:"physiological astigmatism" is a technical term and is primarily used within the field of optometry and ophthalmology.