【医】 purpuriferous; purpurigenous; purpuriparous; purpurogenous
accrue; crude; rawness; unripe; give birth to; grow; living; procreate
【医】 bio-
rhodopsin; visual purple
【化】 porphyropsin
【医】 porphyropsin; rhodopsin; visual Purple; visual red
生视紫质的 (shēng shì zǐ zhì de)
英语解释翻译 (shēng shì zǐ zhì de) - English Translation
The translation of "生视紫质的" in English is "opsin."
英文读音 (shēng shì zǐ zhì de) - English Pronunciation
The pronunciation of "opsin" in English is /ɒpsɪn/.
英文的用法 (中文解释) - Usage of the Word in English (Chinese Explanation)
"Opsin" is a noun in English and refers to the protein that combines with a retinal to form a photopigment. It is primarily used in the field of neuroscience and vision research.
英文例句 (包含中文解释) - English Example Sentences (including Chinese Explanation)
1. The presence of opsin in the retina allows us to perceive light and form visual experiences. (视网膜中存在着视紫质,使我们能够感知光线并形成视觉体验。)
2. Mutations in the opsin gene can lead to various visual impairments. (视紫质基因的突变会导致各种视觉障碍。)
英文近义词 (包含中文解释) - English Synonyms (including Chinese Explanation)
1. Photopigment - 光感色素
2. Visual pigment - 视觉色素
英文反义词 (包含中文解释) - English Antonyms (including Chinese Explanation)
1. Non-opsin - 非视紫质
2. Achromatopsia - 色盲
英文单词常用度 - Frequency of the Word in English
The word "opsin" has a moderate frequency of usage in English language and is primarily used in scientific and research contexts.