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【机】 disposable pattern



bake; burn; burning; carbonado; cook; cremation; fever; grill; heat; roast
set sth. on fire
【化】 burning


break a promise; deviate from the normal; lose; mishap; miss


former; matrix; model; mould; pattern
【计】 Cook-Torrance model; GT model GT; MOD; model; mosel
【医】 cast; model; mold; mould; pattern; phantom
【经】 matrices; matrix; model; pattern


烧失性模型 (Shāo Shī Xìng Mó​ Xíng)


英语解释翻译 (Burnout Model)

Burnout Model refers to a theoretical model that describes the decline in decision-making ability in individuals under anxiety or stress. This model originated from research in the fields of psychology and behavioral economics, exploring the impact of stress on decision-making.

英文读音 (Yīng Wén Dú Yīn)

[bɜːrnaʊt ˈmɒdl]

英文的用法 (中文解释) (Usage in English)

In English, the term "burnout model" is typically used to refer to the theoretical framework explaining the diminishing capacity to make sound decisions encountered by individuals experiencing anxiety or stress.

英文例句 (包含中文解释) (English Example Sentences)

1. The burnout model suggests that prolonged stress can significantly impair decision-making abilities. (烧失性模型表明,长期压力会显著削弱决策能力。)

2. Understanding the mechanisms behind the burnout model can help develop strategies to mitigate its negative effects. (了解烧失性模型背后的机制可以帮助制定减缓其负面影响的策略。)

英文近义词 (包含中文解释) (English Synonyms)

1. Exhaustion model: a similar theoretical framework that explains the decline in decision-making ability under stress. (精疲力竭模型:解释压力下决策能力下降的类似理论框架。)

2. Fatigue model: another term used to describe the diminished capacity for decision making caused by prolonged stress. (疲劳模型:另一个用于描述长期压力引起的决策能力下降的术语。)

英文反义词 (包含中文解释) (English Antonyms)

1. Resilience model: a theoretical framework that emphasizes an individual's ability to withstand stress and maintain decision-making abilities. (韧性模型:强调个体承受压力并保持决策能力的理论框架。)

2. Adaptive model: a term representing a theoretical perspective that focuses on the ability to adjust decision-making strategies under different stress levels. (适应模型:代表了一种理论视角,专注于在不同压力水平下调整决策策略的能力。)

英文单词常用度 (Frequency of English Word)

The term "burnout model" is used to a moderate extent in professional and academic contexts, primarily within the fields of psychology, behavioral economics, and organizational research.

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