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【机】 core oil



【机】 core


paint; fat; grease; oil
【化】 oil
【医】 elaeo-; eleo-; oil; Ol; olea; oleo-; oleum


砂心油 (shā xīn yóu)


英语解释翻译 (English Translation)

The English translation of 砂心油 is "Sandalwood Oil".

英文读音 (English Pronunciation)

The English pronunciation of "Sandalwood Oil" is /ˈsændəl.wʊd ɔɪl/.

英文的用法 (English Usage)

Sandalwood Oil is commonly used in various skincare and beauty products due to its calming and soothing properties. It is often used in aromatherapy for relaxation and stress relief.

英文例句 (English Example Sentences)

1. I use sandalwood oil in my daily skincare routine for its moisturizing benefits. (我在日常护肤程序中使用砂心油,因为它具有保湿效果。)
2. The calming scent of sandalwood oil helps me relax after a long day. (长时间使用后,砂心油的舒缓香气帮助我放松。)

英文近义词 (English Synonyms)

1. Sandal essence (砂檀精油): It is an alternative term for sandalwood oil, referring to the concentrated extract of sandalwood. (砂檀精油是砂心油的另一个说法,指的是砂檀木的浓缩提取物。)
2. Sandalwood essential oil (砂檀精油): This term specifically highlights the essential oil form of sandalwood. (砂檀精油特指砂檀木的精油形式。)

英文反义词 (English Antonyms)

1. Synthetic fragrance (合成香料): It refers to artificially created scents, which are not derived from natural sources like sandalwood oil. (合成香料是指由人工制造的香气,不源于砂心油等天然物质。)
2. Unscented (无香): This term represents products or substances that do not have any scent or fragrance. (无香表示没有任何气味或香气的产品或物质。)

英文单词常用度 (English Word Frequency)

Sandalwood Oil is a moderately common term in the English language, especially in the context of aromatherapy, skincare, and fragrance-related discussions. It has a significant presence in beauty and wellness industries. (Sandalwood Oil是英语中一个常见的词汇,尤其在芳香疗法、护肤和香气相关的讨论中。它在美容和健康产业中有着重要的地位。)

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