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【电】 burn-in period



bake; burn; burning; carbonado; cook; cremation; fever; grill; heat; roast
set sth. on fire
【化】 burning


agree with; enter; income; join


cycle; period; wheel
【计】 C; cycle time; loop cycle; periods
【化】 period
【医】 cycle
【经】 cycle; period


烧入周期(shāo rù zhōu qī)


English Translation and Explanation

The English translation for "烧入周期" is "burn-in period". It refers to the time period during semiconductor production where electronic components and devices undergo a burn-in operation under high temperatures.

English Pronunciation

Burn-in period [bɜrn-ɪn ˈpɪəriəd]

English Usage

The burn-in period is an important step in semiconductor production to ensure the reliability and functionality of electronic components. It involves subjecting the components to elevated temperatures and operating conditions to identify any potential issues or weaknesses before they are deployed or sold.

English Example Sentences

1. The burn-in period for these microchips is 48 hours at 85 degrees Celsius.


2. During the burn-in period, the electronic devices are continuously tested to ensure their performance and stability.


English Synonyms

1. Thermal stressing period: A period of subjecting electronic components to high temperatures for testing and evaluation.


2. Aging period: A period of artificially accelerating the aging process of electronic components to identify potential failures and reliability issues.


English Antonyms

1. Testing period: A period where electronic components undergo functional or performance testing, typically conducted before the burn-in period.


2. Manufacturing period: A period where electronic components are being produced or assembled, prior to any testing or burn-in procedures.


Frequency of Usage of the English Term

The term "burn-in period" is commonly used in the field of semiconductor technology and electronics manufacturing. It is frequently encountered in technical documents, research papers, and discussions related to semiconductor testing and reliability.

("burn-in period"这个词汇在半导体技术和电子制造领域经常使用,在涉及半导体测试和可靠性的技术文件、研究论文和讨论中经常出现。)

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