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【医】 Junior Red Cross



juvenile; lad; youngster
【法】 boy; juvenile; youngster


【医】 Red Cross


少年红十字(shào nián hóng shí zì)


英语解释翻译(English Translation)

The English translation of "少年红十字" is "Youth Red Cross".

英文读音(English Pronunciation)

The English pronunciation for "Youth Red Cross" is [juːθ red krɒs].

英文的用法(中文解释)(Usage in English)

In English, "Youth Red Cross" refers to a youth Red Cross activity in China aimed at cultivating humanitarianism and social responsibility among young people. This activity is initiated by the Red Cross Society of China and widely carried out in schools, communities, and other youth organizations.

英文例句(包含中文解释)(English Sentences with Chinese Explanation)

1. I joined the Youth Red Cross to help those in need. (我加入了少年红十字会,帮助那些需要帮助的人。)
2. The Youth Red Cross organizes various charity events throughout the year. (少年红十字会每年组织各种慈善活动。)

英文近义词(包含中文解释)(English Synonyms with Chinese Explanation)

Youth Red Cross can be synonymous with "Junior Red Cross" or "Teen Red Cross".
少年红十字可以与"Junior Red Cross"或"Teen Red Cross"视为同义词。

英文反义词(包含中文解释)(English Antonyms with Chinese Explanation)

There are no exact English antonyms for "Youth Red Cross", as it is a specific phrase. However, antonyms in terms of the spirit it represents could be "selfishness" or "indifference".

英文单词常用度(Frequency of English Word Usage)

The term "Youth Red Cross" is not commonly used in the English language outside of discussions related to the specific Chinese youth Red Cross activities. Therefore, its frequency of usage is relatively low.
在英语中,"Youth Red Cross"在与中国的少年红十字活动相关的讨论以外并不常用,因此其使用频率相对较低。

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