burn oneself out; burn out; burnout【化】 burn off
1.burnitselfout 2.burnitselfaway 3.burntitselfout 4.afterflaming例句:
- 废虚燃了几个小时才烧尽。It took hours for the ruins to smoulder out.
- 丢下火让它自行烧尽,咱们进帐篷里去吧。Let's leave the fire to burn down and go into our tents.
- 炉火因燃料烧尽而熄灭了。The fire( furnace) has burnt itself out.
bake; burn; burning; carbonado; cook; cremation; fever; grill; heat; roastset sth. on fire
【化】 burning
all; exhausted; to the greatest extent; try one's best; within the limits of网络扩展解释
烧尽 (Shāo Jìn)
烧尽(Shāo Jìn)是一个汉字词组,是由两个汉字组成的。第一个字“烧”(Shāo)意为用火燃烧,指物体因受到高温而燃烧、被烧毁;第二个字“尽”(Jìn)意为完全、全部用完。由此可见,“烧尽”指的是物体被完全烧毁、全部燃尽。
英语解释翻译 (English Translation)
The English translation of "烧尽" is "burn to ashes" or "burn completely". It expresses the idea of something being completely burned or consumed by fire.
英文读音 (English Pronunciation)
The English pronunciation of "烧尽" is "shao jin" in pinyin.
英文的用法 (English Usage)
In English, "burn to ashes" or "burn completely" can be used to describe the complete destruction of an object due to fire. It can also be used metaphorically to describe the complete exhaustion or depletion of something.
英文例句 (English Examples)
1. The house was burned to ashes in the fire. (房屋在火灾中被烧尽了。)
2. The company's resources were burned completely during the economic crisis. (公司的资源在经济危机期间被完全耗尽了。)
英文近义词 (English Synonyms)
- consume completely (完全消耗)
- reduce to ashes (减少到灰烬)
- annihilate by fire (火焰湮灭)
- burn up entirely (完全燃烧)
英文反义词 (English Antonyms)
- preserve intact (保持完好)
- extinguish (熄灭)
- save from destruction (拯救免于毁灭)
- safeguard from burning (保护免遭燃烧)
英文单词常用度 (English Word Frequency)
The frequency of use of "burn to ashes" or "burn completely" in English is moderate. It is commonly used in contexts related to fire, destruction, or depletion.